Nutrition Coaching

Level 1

Nutrition Essentials: Covers the most important aspects of nutrition as it relates to fitness in order to maximize your results from your training.

Included w/ personal training

Level 2

In-depth nutrition coaching: Builds upon the nutrition essentials with fully individualized meal plans, healthy habit coaching, and weekly coaching sessions.

30-60 minute appointments

Long-term Change Through Education

When it comes to improving your daily eating habits, it’s essential to know know the “why” behind every change we make. Our coaches will help to educate you during the coaching process so you have a real understanding of the importance of these changes, allowing you to not only see the results you want, but also keep those results long-term.

Personalized Meal Plans

There are many ways to tackle the topic of nutrition, and every individual person will be very different. Because of this, we don’t believe that premade “meal plans” work well for the average person. They get to be too restrictive, too complicated, too repetitive, too bland, and too hard to adhere to. Instead, each person needs a personalized approach to make their weight-loss journey successful, one catered to their preferences, needs, and fitness goals.